Tag Archives: book review

Book Review of ‘Deep Landscape Turning’

browningturningBook Review of ‘Deep Landscape Turning’ by Ann Hutt Browning on Rattle.com:

“Even on a second—and third—reading of Deep Landscape Turning, I am sucked into Ann Hutt Browning’s vision, and can enjoy another romp through poems of youth and death, love and politics, travel, and a daughter chronicling her flawed father. . . . I see disintegrated family relations in the letter (a poem) from an English aunt . . . but then also a closeness between husband and wife. In “Soliloquy And Near-Soliloquy,” the husband speaks alone on the porch . . .” [read the entire review on Rattle.com]

Permalink: http://www.rattle.com/poetry/2013/04/deep-landscape-turning-by-ann-hutt-browning/

More about the process of writing this review on my Nature & Literature blog.