When: Aug 23, 2014 from 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Where: Indian Ford Meadow Preserve, Oregon
What to Bring: Paper/notebook, pens/pencils, and, if you wish, a lightweight chair or pad. Dress for the weather.
Rating: Easy, ~1 mile walk.
Join the Deschutes Land Trust and Katie Eberhart to explore Indian Ford Meadow Preserve with the pen of a writer. Walking the land can be a great way to heighten your senses and feed your writing. Walk with us to see and hear more acutely, feel the fresh air, and smell new aromas. Then, through field notes, capture the specifics of a place that may later help trigger or contribute to poems, essays, or fiction. Writing exercises, discussion and optional sharing are all part of the process. Registration opens 1 month prior to the event.
Sign-up on the Deschutes Land Trust web site: